Camille Madison

Meet Camille! A Philadelphia native, born and raised in the city of ‘brotherly love and sisterly affection’. She is a transfer student from Indiana University of Pennsylvania now attending Arcadia University, her major is Mass Media Communications. This is her senior year she will complete the program in the Fall of 2021. After graduating she is looking forward to working in Advertising or Public Relations in the Health field. Camille already has experience working with children, adolescents and adults in the Mental and Behavioral Health fields. She has decided to return to school in order to further her career.
When not working Camille enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Her interest and hobbies include event designing, reading, writing poems and SHOPPING (she loves to shop). Camille is a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated the first historical African American Greek lettered sorority founded on the campus of Howard University in 1908. The Greek letters AKA along with the colors salmon pink and apple green represent this distinguished sorority (pinky up,‘SKEE WEE’).
Filmmakers who tell stories of fictional villains succeed in creating empathy for the characters by portraying them as being too trusting, bullied and/or ostracized by society. Villains are no longer one dimensional the layers have been pulled back and we have gain insight into their worlds. We start to unravel the who, why, what and how they became to exist. Stories told from the villain’s point of view give us this insight and we began to see how the world is responsible for creating these so called “monsters”. We are all a product of our environment, if a person is exposed to negativity or mistreated most of their life than this negative energy becomes a part of the person. This will influence their behavior and outlook on the world, making them coldhearted, sadistic and revengeful. This is the making of a VILLAIN!
This Thesis Paper is a combination of the things I find the most interesting and entertaining. My work in the Mental and Behavior Health fields along with my love of comic books and Disney characters have led me here. Everyone has a background story, you must look past the scars, the anger and the hate to really SEE them.
Camille Madison Senior Thesis Poems
Camile Madison: A villain is just a victim whose story hasn’t been told
Well I think there are no Villians in this world. There are just misunderstood heros ~ Tom Hiddleston
Camille Madison – Blog #5
This is my last blog for the senior website, and I must say I am HAPPY that this semester is almost over! I am starting to feel optimistic about being able to complete all the end of the year assignments. The semester went fast, too fast, I wish there were a little...
Camille Madison – Blog #4
I spent time searching the internet for pictures to add to the slideshow for the senior website page. The slideshow will be pictures of villains with quotes. Some of the pictures will be of the villains that I wrote about in my Senior Thesis paper. Speaking of the...
Camille Madison – Blog Post #3
The semester is winding down and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. It seems like there aren't enough hours in the day to get through "My To Do List". I recently started going on "Silly Walks", little strolls around my neighborhood without a particular destination in...
Camille Madison – Blog Post #2
I have been going back and forth with ideas for the Creative Project. Even though we were told that the Position Paper and the Creative Project does not have to be on the same topic I want the two to be relatable. Not only do I want them to connect, I also want the...