Aldi Martinez
My name is Aldi Martinez, I use she/her pronouns, and I am a Senior Media & Communications major. I am from Philadelphia, PA and I have always loved living in a big city, so I hope to work in the production/broadcast industry in the future! In my freetime, I do personal projects of video essays and I upload them onto my Instagram and YouTube accounts! My favorite movies are Moonlight, Uncut Gems and The Truman Show, so I always have a lot of fun finding new hidden meanings in those movies.

Race & Media Thesis Papers
Group One: Race and Media Antonio Brown - Stuart Hall and the Evolution of Minorities in Mass Media Bug Gadson - Art Imitates Life: The Representation (Or Lack Thereof) of Black Women in Video Games Alex Kang - Orientalism and the Evolution of Asian Roles in American...
Aldi Martinez: Blog 5
Child actors video essay Title Ideas The Power of Child Actors Stunning Child Performances Children Actors Revelation Movies List Florida Project-done Room C’mon C’mon-done Honey Boy-done Lion Ponette-done Orphan-done Belfast Chop Shop Saving Mr. Banks...
Aldi Martinez: Blog 4
I’m finally getting somewhere! I’m really satisfied with how my progress is going. I have about 2 minutes out of 5 minutes done of my video essay and the main reason I'm taking my time with it is because I want it to be the closest thing to perfect. The song I have...
Aldi Martinez: 3rd Blog
So now it’s been a few weeks since I have started working on my video essay and I have narrowed down my theme, so the next steps to take is to brainstorm and jot down a few ideas of how I want to execute my creative projects. I should be starting to make my video...
Aldi Martinez: video essays
For my creative project, I have decided to do the theme of “The Underappreciated Talent of Child Actors”. I’m still working on the actual title! I feel like child actors are not as praised as they should be for their exceptional talent and the versatility of their...
Aldi Martinez : First Blog
Vision Statement Vision Statement-FIRST BLOG: I would like to make a video essay and I want to be very cinematic, artistic and symbolic. I have such a passion for making video essays, watching films and trying to find every deeper meaning in those films, so I...