We are all striving to be successful. Making our loved ones proud of the accomplishments we have made is an amazing feeling. When situations that we have no control of happen, life can feel impossible. This clip from my documentary tells of Teddy’s most successful point in his career. Including this is very important during these times. The pandemic may make seniors feel that the future seems impossible, but we have loved ones surrounding and supporting us. Looking back at this project, Teddy I’s accident was very tragic. The inability for him to be able to walk was something that could have prevented him from singing and supporting others with spinal cord injuries. However, he did not let that setback take away his life and he was able to be proud of his children.  

With our senior year coming to an end, I find that success has an even more important meaning. None of us could have ever imagined that we would end our college career through zoom classes or that we would not be able to present our thesis the way previous classes did. Our success has come in a multitude of ways. We were able to switch over to a form of learning that we have never experienced before. We completed our thesis and although some of our plans had to change, we still created excellent products. We are still graduating. We will all be doing great things in our future and the continuous support that we have had from the Department of Media and Communications will be treasured by us forever.