It’s crazy to think that March is almost over and we are so close to graduating. I haven’t been able to make any more progress on the website because of the issue with not receiving the authentication code. However, today I was able to create my own password and log in to the ARC radio website! I am so happy that this issue is fixed and I am going to resume uploading all the materials that I have to the website over the weekend. Once that is complete, I want to sit down with Jake again and have him take a look at it and let me know if there are any tweaks he wants me to make. Besides the website, I have created a member spotlight template for Instagram. This template is going to include the member’s name, a picture of themselves, their year and major, and what show they will be doing. I enjoyed making this template and  communicated with Jake that I am willing to help out with anything else that he needs. As far as the pr/marketing plan goes, I want to start focusing more on that in April. I am planning on asking Lisa for guidance on where to start with that when I meet with her next week during our one-on-one meeting. Consistent process is all I’m looking for right now as the deadline starts to approach.