Julia and I have been continuously making progress on our project. We have remained consistent with posting our seeds weekly on the twelve seeds Instagram page and we have posted some stories as well. Our very first seed was actually planting seeds to grow our own basil and parsley. They have been growing tremendously which has been exciting to watch. Since starting our journey to living more sustainably and educating ourselves, I have definitely seen a difference in my everyday habits. I have been more deliberate with my everyday choices. For example, after I come home from the gym I typically would wipe down my phone and water bottle with a disinfecting wipe. However, when I ran out of wipes this past week, instead of buying more, I purchased a washable rag and a disinfectant spray to cut down my waste. It has certainly felt good making these small changes and knowing new ways to help our environment.


As for our event, we have officially teamed up with the Blitz Carnival planning committee. Every Monday afternoon we meet with them and share our ideas for our portion of the event and they are helping us make our ideas come to life. Not only are they helping us create our sustainable section, but we are also helping them make Blitz a more sustainable event. The team has been open and encouraging to our ideas and it has been a pleasure to work with them thus far.