Picture a home. It doesn’t have to be yours nor does it have to be a ‘traditional’ home. Most likely, you’re not picturing the perfect, cleanest place. Maybe it’s a bit messy with scratches in the floor, but I guarantee that you feel some nostalgia when you think about it. The word home itself is nostalgic. And being humans, we want to talk about our home and tell those stories; we want to show it to others. As spectators, it is so interesting to understand the way other people live. Plus, we’re super nosy. 

Abandoned places are incredibly inviting even if they’re physically falling apart. We begin to picture what they may have looked like and the kind of person who existed in that space. Perhaps the best part about these abandoned homes is what we find in them. They’re beautiful in theory as ugly as they may look. 

The picture above is an old flower shop that means a lot to one of my closest friends and her family members, but it means absolutely nothing to me (except I loved photographing the house). This image and this content is my inspiration for my overall creative thesis project: a photography book.