Savannah Munholland
Silver linings of my time in quarantine

I am a Media and Communications major with a concentration in Multimedia Publishing and a minor in French. I grew up in Baltimore, MD and when I moved to Glenside for college, I fell in love with Philadelphia and moved to the area permanently in the summer of 2020. When I was younger, I spent all my time reading and writing. I knew when picking a college major that I wanted a large component of my studies to be building upon my writing skills.
At Arcadia, I have been on staff at Loco Mag for three years, becoming an Editor in Chief for my senior year. I am also a tutor at the LRN and the LRN liaison to the Media and Communications Department. I was in London FYSAE Spring of 2018 and took a GFS class to Fiji. I am planning on pursuing a career in Public Relations while hopefully writing freelance on the side.
I spend a lot of my free time writing creatively. In addition to a career in Public Relations, I hope to become a successful author. I love writing stories with queer representation that were hard to find when I was in high school. I have one self-published book I released in the fall of my freshman year and another nearly completed manuscript that I’m editing before I send it out to a publishing house. I also love animals and work part-time at a Petsmart. I have a few pets of my own, including two guinea pigs, a snake, and multiple fish, in addition to the two family dogs that live with my family in Baltimore.
My creative project is I will be making a print magazine for Loco Mag. It was something I started last Spring, but it ended up not happening because of the pandemic and school closing. It was meant to be commemorative for the 50th edition, so I will be taking articles from every issue the magazine has published and will format them to print.
Savannah Munholland:Out and Proud: The Significance of JoJo Siwa’s Coming Out and Why Queer Representation in Children’s Media is Important
Siwa’s coming out and continuing to proudly display her queer identity will have a positive effect not only on her fans but also the LGBTQ+ community as a whole because it will help spread inclusivity and acceptance, will normalize queerness, and paves the way for...
Savannah Munholland – Blog 5
One year and four months, 216 pages, and 50 articles later, the print edition celebrating Loco Mag reaching the 50th issue milestone is finished. I worked on this through school being closed and going online and for a year this project was on the back burner. It was...
Savannah Munholland – Blog #4
I’ve been working hard on my thesis the past couple of weeks. I am happy to say that I have formatted all articles and have finished putting together the final booklet. Turns out a 50 article magazine is long (about 210 pages). And will take a couple of days to edit....
Savannah Munholland – Blog Post #3
In this post I will go into a little more detail on the process of making this very large print magazine. Since it is in celebration of Loco mag’s 50th issue, that means I have been working on formatting 50 articles, one from each issue. With most issues releasing...
Savannah Munholland: Blog #2
I have been in Loco Mag for three years. I started on staff the fall semester and immediately assumed the role of Travel section editor alongside another staff member. As a section editor, I was charged with ensuring the travel section always had quality pieces and...
Savannah Munholland – Blog Post #1
The beginning stages of my creative project have been finalizing the articles that I will be formatting into the print edition and creating the template for it. I’ve also started the process of formatting articles. I format articles into individual files first, and at...