by Brianna Colantoni | Feb 19, 2024 | Brianna Colantoni, Uncategorized
At this point in time, I have met with Jake and received a tour of the Arc Radio station and learned about how it operates. We then had a brainstorming session and discussed what his vision is for the Arc Radio renovations and what my role is going to be in this...
by Wordpress Editor | May 5, 2023 | Mason Vargas, Uncategorized
Well everyone, this was very fun and I definitely cut more clips than I could count but ultimately I am finished. The first thing I edited was just the clips together so they’d run smoothly and then I decided to make it so that when I asked one question everyone would...
by Wordpress Editor | May 5, 2023 | Mason Vargas, Uncategorized
Hey again everyone! I am pleased to announce that I’ve finished all of my interviews and they got a lot deeper than I expected. One thing I really enjoyed was going to see my cousin and I brought another person I was interviewing along with, my roommate. He’s one of...
by Wordpress Editor | May 5, 2023 | Mason Vargas, Uncategorized
Hey everybody! It’s been a while, but I have gotten a lot more confident in my project as a whole and the name of the project! The title is “Change For Us” and it tackles adaptability in the black community, in all eras. I will be interviewing friends and family that...
by Wordpress Editor | May 5, 2023 | Mason Vargas, Uncategorized
Hey everybody! It’s been a while, but I have gotten a lot more confident in my project as a whole and the name of the project! The title is “Change For Us” and it tackles adaptability in the black community, in all eras. I will be interviewing friends and family that...