At the beginning of the semester, I was lost. I was in a crisis–what to do for my creative project? What am I good at? What is creative about me (an inherently un-creative individual)? What can I do that will actually be good? 

In that chaos, I found my answer. That was just it: CRISIS. After taking CM411: Crisis Management with Professor Romaine, I grew a love and passion for crisis management. It is a field that keeps you on your toes, changes by the minute, and challenges you in ways you couldn’t anticipate. For someone who can’t sit still for long, it drew me in. That was it! A thesis project about crisis communication and what it is. 

But how to make that creative? Well, as the past president of the radio station and current podcast expert, I thought: how fun could it be to make a podcast of my own? So, that’s what I did! Introducing… WWJD: What Would Jo Do? A Modern Exploration of Crisis Communication. A four part series of case studies and interviews that dive into the root of crisis and pick it apart. With guests from all different disciplines and cases that span financial crises to murder, listeners are in for a ride of their life. 

I am so excited to have found my niche and I cannot wait to share the magic of crisis with everyone!