Jacob Horan

Jake Horan is a senior Media and Communications major with a concentration in Multimedia Publishing. Right now, Jake is a Co-Editor-in-Chief of, and a regular contributor to, Loco Mag, a Philly area lifestyle and culture magazine based out of Arcadia. In the Fall of 2023, Jake worked with Blue Bell Place Senior Living as their communications intern, where he handled a variety of tasks, including composing building newsletters, writing PR pieces, and even creating a company cookbook. Outside of school, Jake loves his job working in sales at A&T Subaru. His other passions include traveling, particularly throughout Europe and the Pacific Northwest, as well as the music of the 1990s, two areas that Jake focuses much of his writing around.
Jacob Horan Blog # 4
Over the past few weeks I feel like I’ve made some good progress on my project! I think last time I talked about setting things up for the second (and hopefully more successful) issue of the magazine. Since then, I set a deadline for submissions on April 22, so that...
Jacob Horan Blog #3
Going into spring break, I am currently between issues of the magazine, so it’s time for me to really buckle down and make a big marketing push for submissions. I recently started creating new content on Canva which will act as my CFC (Call for Contributors). I’m...
Jacob Horan Blog #2
I’ve kind of been playing a waiting game the past couple of weeks. My first submission deadline is quickly approaching on Tuesday (3/4), so I’m just trying to prepare for prepping articles for publication and all that comes with it. I, myself have a couple of articles...
Jacob Horan Blog # 1
At this point in my project I’m still very much in the planning stage of things. Thus far I’ve created an instagram account for Sound Waves, made a call-for-contributors Instagram post with some frequently asked questions about the mag, created a google form for...