Mason Vargas

Hello, My name is Mason Vargas (he/him) and I’m currently a Media and Communications Major with a concentration in Screen Media. My main reason for entering this field is my deep passion for film, photography and content creation. I have a deep background in social media marketing as well as content creation for social media. I’ve worked with Arcadia to help promote theater as well as edit monthly newsletters. Production and broadcasting are both careers I can see myself entering and hopefully I can intersect my career with my passion for culture in mass media.
Mason Vargas Blog Post #5
Well everyone, this was very fun and I definitely cut more clips than I could count but ultimately I am finished. The first thing I edited was just the clips together so they’d run smoothly and then I decided to make it so that when I asked one question everyone would...
Mason Vargas Blog Post #4
Hey again everyone! I am pleased to announce that I’ve finished all of my interviews and they got a lot deeper than I expected. One thing I really enjoyed was going to see my cousin and I brought another person I was interviewing along with, my roommate. He’s one of...
Mason Vargas Blog Post #3
Hey everybody! It’s been a while, but I have gotten a lot more confident in my project as a whole and the name of the project! The title is “Change For Us” and it tackles adaptability in the black community, in all eras. I will be interviewing friends and family that...
Mason Vargas Blog Post #2
Hey everybody! It’s been a while, but I have gotten a lot more confident in my project as a whole and the name of the project! The title is “Change For Us” and it tackles adaptability in the black community, in all eras. I will be interviewing friends and family that...
Mason Vargas Blog Post #1
Hello everyone, I’m currently working on a project I’m calling “Oreo” (Working Title) that seeks to explore the black experience of adaptability. I want to hone in on some interviews with various black people I know and discuss their experience on adaptability in the...