Josephine Mueller

My name is Josephine Mueller. I am a senior media and communications major with a concentration in multimedia publishing as well as a minor in accounting at Arcadia University. I was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I’ve always wanted to write. Combining my passion for writing and some of the business knowledge I’ve gained from my accounting minor, I believe my skills will be best suited for marketing or public relations.
For my senior capstone, I decided on a magazine exploring the impacts of COVID-19 on college students. Since, I have been through over a year of online instruction, the changes have been immense. Students are at home, classes are online, internships have been cancelled, jobs have been lost, and graduation ceremonies turned into recordings of powerpoint presentations. The impact of COVID-19 on current students and recent graduates will affect the rest of their lives. There is so many aspects to explore and understand whether it be good or bad.
Josephine Mueller: Video Games A Pandemic Hobby to Keep
Throughout the pandemic, video game sales have soared and this increase in people playing during the pandemic is beneficial as it allows for social interaction to combat loneliness, helps reduce stress, and has beneficial cognitive effects.
Josephine Mueller Blog Post #4
With the end of the semester looming over, many interviews I wanted to hold were no longer possible. I have decided to focus hard on what I do have and the few interviews I can still get. I have written the article on my friend’s pursuit of new hobbies during the...
Josephine Mueller: Blog#3
The past two weeks I have been working on setting up interviews and conducting them for stories. I interviewed my sister Megan as she graduated from nursing school in 2020 and could give me more insights on graduating completely virtual, how the whole transition...
Josephine Mueller Blog# 2
I have been searching for how I would put together the magazine. The discussion was quite hard as it was hard to decide if I wanted to make a website, print a book, or try to make a PDF. After discussing with Professor Powell, he suggested that I look into Blurb....
Josephine Mueller – Blog 1
March 5th, 2021 For my creative project, I am working on creating an online magazine. It will focus on life during COVID and how life has changed. I am still brainstorming all the articles and sections I will be writing or asking others to write. So far I have...