Livia Kleiner Blog Post #3

Livia Kleiner Blog Post #3

I’ve made a huge amount of progress on my photo book since my last blog.  I drove up to the mountains for a day and literally ran around taking pictures.  It was a long day but I was able to get nearly every picture I wanted.  Overall, I’m very happy with how the...
Ryan Hiemenz Blog Post #3

Ryan Hiemenz Blog Post #3

Phantasm has been coming together incredibly well! As you can see from the image above, I officially have a proof copy in my hands. It’s crazy to think that just a few months ago I was thinking about what to do for my thesis project and now I have a book with 100...
Livia Kleiner Blog #2

Livia Kleiner Blog #2

The next big step for me is actually taking the pictures for my photography book.  I’ve been working on scheduling the trip and I’m either going to go March 13th, 14th, or 15th depending on which has the best weather.  I’m going to use to make the book, so I...

Dealing With Stressors and Emergencies

Like most college students I tend to procrastinate. However, in February I realized how important it is to complete work ahead of time so if an emergency happens you don’t have the added stress of trying to complete homework. In the beginning of February I was having...

Rhi Harrington Blog #2

So I have finally started posting the TikTok’s that I have been filming! In all honesty, I wasunrealistically expecting my content to immediately take off, but it never is that simple even though I wish it was. I have about 5 videos up right now, with views averaging...