〈 Jeffrey Weiss 〉
A Walk Down Under
By Jeffrey Weiss
I like to travel, like a lot. Naturally, this passion of mine ended up in my creative thesis project. I spent a semester in Gold Coast, Australia last year and it was probably the best four months of my life. I often reminisce about my experience with my friends, and in this project, you get to see my real thoughts, feelings and experiences about living in Australia. So, I evolved into editor mode and went to work. I am happy with this outcome, because this is entirely me, and quite organic. I am a sucker for transitions and catchy music, so expect that too. Enjoy this little documentary I whipped up!
Hi, my name is Jeff Weiss and I am a senior Media & Communications major with a concentration in Public Relations. I am currently the Vice President of the Public Relations Student Society of America, Arcadia Chapter. One hobby of mine that has made an impact on my life is traveling. I have been fortunate enough to travel a great deal the past 4 years at Arcadia. The most significant travel experience of my life was when I studied abroad in Gold Coast, Australia during my spring semester of my junior year of college. I was able to further my academic success, travel around a new country, and have lots of fun with friends. I have decided to take this journey of mine and transform it into a documentary for my creative thesis project. Originally, this was not what I was going to do my creative project on. The original idea was a reality TV show episode following the lives of affluent Glenside, PA residents. This was going to be scripted and produced by me. Unfortunately, I did not find the right cast for this project and had to change topics. The idea of interviewing students who have studied abroad and sharing their stories came into my mind. I executed this plan, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I was forced to return home to New Jersey and regather. I decided to narrow the topic down to my experience abroad, along with my roommate and friend Kayla’s experience in abroad in Australia. Using a 4K camera, and just two mics, I have filmed a documentary of mine and Kayla’s experiences abroad. I am very excited to discuss my project and have it come to life. I want the viewer to get a sense of how I feel, and the greatness that is traveling.