Joe Kraus Blog # 4

Joe Kraus Blog # 4

I’m now getting close to finishing my project. I still need to decide on a title, but I have gone through all of my photos and have decided on most of what I will include. Most, if not all sports at Arcadia, will be included in this project. Once I decide the final...
Megan Klose Blog #5

Megan Klose Blog #5

I am in the home stretch, which is an insane thought! On March 30th, I placed the order for the photo album, and it has an estimated arrival time of April 13th. The hardest part of this whole project was crafting the physical photo album itself. Not only is it hard to...
Megan Klose Blog # 4

Megan Klose Blog # 4

My total photo album has reached 313 photos, which is super exciting for me. I have more than enough photos to create the desired themes and exhibits I want in the photo album. I still plan to get more photos as well to make my selection base larger. I will not be...
Jacob Horan Blog # 4

Jacob Horan Blog # 4

Over the past few weeks I feel like I’ve made some good progress on my project! I think last time I talked about setting things up for the second (and hopefully more successful) issue of the magazine. Since then, I set a deadline for submissions on April 22, so that...
Brianna Colantoni Post #4

Brianna Colantoni Post #4

It’s crazy to think that March is almost over and we are so close to graduating. I haven’t been able to make any more progress on the website because of the issue with not receiving the authentication code. However, today I was able to create my own password and log...
Abiageal Filon Post #4

Abiageal Filon Post #4

Earlier in the week I distributed the link to a Google Form I made asking for fan testimonials surrounding The Wldlfe. I tweeted the link along with texting it to friends of mine in our Wldlfe-based Discord server. The form includes two questions, the first of which...