Marceline Smith Blog #1

Marceline Smith Blog #1

For my project, I want to do a piece that deals with surveillance. In response to hostile neighbours, my family set up a security system around my house that has impacted the way in which I lived at home. After hearing of the new show, Ring Nation, that Amazon is...
Maya Wise Blog Post #5

Maya Wise Blog Post #5

I’ve made a lot of great progress and that is helping me to feel better with stress. I was able to get to the podcast room and record my script. There were a few difficulties but thanks to Julia I was able to successfully get it recorded. The next week I was able to...
Lydia Ward Blog Post #4

Lydia Ward Blog Post #4

It is so crazy to think that we are so close to the end of this project! It feels like we just started it yesterday. I am feeling really good about where I am at in the process. I have finished my photo book and ordered it, which was such a relief. It was definitely a...
Mikayla Kummer Post #4

Mikayla Kummer Post #4

As I’ve been editing my videos, I’ve also been brainstorming title ideas as I realize I need to title my project. Currently, the plan is to call it Dream Scenes, like a play on words on the term dreamscape, and unless I can think of something better, I quite like...
Maya Wise Blog #4

Maya Wise Blog #4

We have about a month left and I’m definitely feeling the pressure. I haven’t gotten the progress that I had hope. However, my friends and I went to Starbucks to study which really helped me focus and get a lot done on my script. I’m happy with how it’s coming and I’m...