Megan Klose Blog # 4

Megan Klose Blog # 4

My total photo album has reached 313 photos, which is super exciting for me. I have more than enough photos to create the desired themes and exhibits I want in the photo album. I still plan to get more photos as well to make my selection base larger. I will not be...
Jacob Horan Blog # 4

Jacob Horan Blog # 4

Over the past few weeks I feel like I’ve made some good progress on my project! I think last time I talked about setting things up for the second (and hopefully more successful) issue of the magazine. Since then, I set a deadline for submissions on April 22, so that...
Brianna Colantoni Post #4

Brianna Colantoni Post #4

It’s crazy to think that March is almost over and we are so close to graduating. I haven’t been able to make any more progress on the website because of the issue with not receiving the authentication code. However, today I was able to create my own password and log...
Abiageal Filon Post #4

Abiageal Filon Post #4

Earlier in the week I distributed the link to a Google Form I made asking for fan testimonials surrounding The Wldlfe. I tweeted the link along with texting it to friends of mine in our Wldlfe-based Discord server. The form includes two questions, the first of which...
Dalton Dalton Post #4

Dalton Dalton Post #4

Moving along with shows on the air! I have done 3 shows so far and anticipate 6 more. It’s been going super well. I had a few people tell me when they see me on campus that my playlists are insane and that never fails to make me feel good! I think with a project...
Maxwell Henry Post #2

Maxwell Henry Post #2

The following podcast will be much easier for me to develop content for. I will most likely be featuring multiple guests from the Arcadia Men’s Lacrosse team and may have a Widener or Fairfield lacrosse player speak on the topics covered as well. This podcast will...