So many exciting things have been happening for twelve.seeds. A few weeks ago on April 4, Julia and I hosted a clothing swap on campus and we had an overwhelming success with it. We brought a sign in sheet with 25 lines and we ended up filling up the front and back with people’s names and emails. The support we received from friends and peers for this event was so exciting to see. In fact, this event was such a success that we are holding another one on April 25 for those who couldn’t attend last time and those who would just like to participate again. Everyone that showed up had nothing but positive feedback and asked when we were going to do another one, so we just had to plan a second! Julia and I both really hope that this turns into an ongoing event in future years because it is a great way to give clothes new life and to refresh the closets of students.

    On Friday April 22 (Earth Day), we have our main event at the Blitz Carnival. For the most part, the planning of this event went very smoothly. However, our plans of having a petting zoo unfortunately fell through, so we have a few friends who are willing to bring their dogs to our event in place of it. The past few days we have been busy stuffing tote bags with our giveaway items and putting together last minute touches to our event. We are very excited to see the final product come to life.