The Final Stages

As the final due date for our creative capstone quickly approaches, I can’t tell if I should
be stressed or not. I have made a lot of progress recently, which is exciting, but I’m
honestly not really sure how much I have left to do and how long it’s going to take.
I recently got into contact with 2 professionals who are interested in participating in a
panel! Another professional was also interested in helping me make graphics to
distribute to coaches and professionals on the topics of “Warning Signs of Mental Health
Crisis in Student Athletes” and “How to Practice Self Care as Coaches and
I began making the graphics and also sending outreach emails to collegiate athletic
directors around the country to make them aware of The Hidden Opponent Coaches &
Professionals Facebook group where all of these initiatives will be posted. I have
received a few responses from athletic directors who are excited about the program,
which has significantly boosted my spirits.
My next steps for the project are to start making graphics for the panel and advertising
them through The Hidden Opponent’s social media platforms! I also need to host the
panel and then edit it and post it in The Hidden Opponent Coaches & Professionals
Facebook group.
For Thesis Presentation Night I am planning on making a posterboard to present all of
my marketing materials.
On the posterboard I will have featured:
– Statistics on the number of schools I reached out to
– Possibly include some outreach and promotion emails I sent.
– A QR code that will link to the panel.
– Pictures of the graphics that I created for the project.
– A description of The Hidden Opponent and the organization’s mission.
Overall, I am very excited to finish this project but am also a little nervous. I am excited
to see it all come together but I hope it continues to go as smoothly as it has been.