Spring break is approaching, which means I will have time soon to go through old photos to see if they fit in my project. It also allows me to take time to consider all the images together and choose which ones I will keep. Within the coming weeks I will talk to some of my friends and see if I can get some non-game shots of either my friends doing homework, watching film, studying… I also need to decide if I will do a photo book, how I would do that if I choose to, and how many to get if I do. Google Photos has two different types of photo books, a 7×7″ soft cover book for “$14.99 for 20 pages, $0.49 per additional page, up to 140 pages”, and a 9×9″ hard cover book for “$29.99 for 20 pages, $0.99 per additional page, up to 140 pages.” I will have to do some research into other services after I decide how many photos I want to use. I need to decide sooner rather than later, however, because shipping time could take up to 11 days. I will also have a digital version of this on my website, able to be found at https://www.photoxjoe.com/senior-thesis. I am excited to see how this project turns out!