While my main goal was to focus on lacrosse in the social media world, I have changed my vision slightly. I now will be producing a flip book “How-To” that explains social media marketing in depth on Instagram. This will explain the different uses of Instagram for business purposes, as well as the tools that can be found on it. I have created different categories for my book such as: Instagram Business Account Features, Instagram Stories, Highlights, Reels, and Creative Posts, and finally, How to Measure Success. I will be writing out an intro and including photos that showcase examples of how to use Instagram properly for your brand image.

The examples I will provide in image format will be things such as Instagram story tools, creative posts, and different engagement tools. The photos will come from me and my creations through my current internship, as well as creative posts I have formulated in the past. This is important as examples can provide insight as to what each specific component can do for a business on Instagram. This book will also highlight personal branding and its importance. Personal branding is used to showcase your image to the world through your social media platforms. This gives the audience a view of who you are and/or what your business is and what it all stands for.

Overall, I’d like to explain how to showcase your personal brand in a way that is creative and engaging. I will begin by typing out all components of my book and gathering photos I would like to use within it. My plan is to create my flipbook pages on Canva, and then to upload them to a platform that will create a digital flipbook.