Everything remains pretty awful in the outside world which has given me more of an excuse to ensnare my brain in some bad habits like social media browsing. I have found that across the board many pages online on many different platforms have increased in activity. I am finishing up the final edits to my project as I have completed the voice over and gathered all of the B-Roll that I will need to fill the gaps. Again, I wish I could have gotten more time to film a few more interviews, but I understand why that can’t happen. My subject, Houda, has been incredibly cooperative and helpful during the entire process and given me all of the data I needed as well as some insights into her world and how the rebranding has impacted her, not just her page. I noticed that a lot of my project ended up veering more towards the impact that the rebranding had on her as an individual and I dive more into that. I think this is a consequence of the circumstances. A global pandemic has no doubt skewed my numbers in ways that I won’t fully understand yet and most people won’t understand for a while.
However, while everything is still awful and this pandemic has absolutely zero upsides to it, I hope that I can look back on this project and draw some conclusions in the future that I have missed in the present day.