Everything I Would Put in The Wedding Binder
One of the first images that come to mind when planning a wedding is the scene in My
Big Fat Greek Wedding where the main character, Toula, pulls a huge white decorated binder
out to show her fiancé, Ian’s parents the plans for their wedding. For this project I had planned
on having something similar to display. Inside I would have the mood boards I used when
planning the wedding and copies of the invitations I had printed. This week I mostly worked on all those other pieces that go into planning a wedding, the pieces that live in the wedding binder.
I updated my mood board so that it reflected the beach wedding instead of the castle
wedding and picked out new invitations to match the scene. I put together an example of the
favors that would be given out if it were a real wedding. They were chocolate covered pretzels
covered with yellow sprinkles which meant I had a nice snack after I got a couple of pictures. I
also decided on the signature cocktails guests would sip on during cocktail hour. Which, of
course, meant a trial run to make sure they would taste as good as they sounded.
While I consider the whole project a lot of fun this part is one of my favorites. I like to
collect the pictures to create the mood boards, search the internet for favor ideas, and scroll
through cocktail recipes. These are the times where the line between the world of rubber duckies and our reality is most blurred and I feel like I am planning a real wedding. I can only image how it must feel to plan such an important event for a real couple with real opinions. Especially in a time like this! That is why I am so grateful that I am planning this event for my ducks. They love all of the ideas I love and don’t mind how many times I have to change our plans as long as it all works out.